Creekstone Homes

creekstone.jpgCraig Wieser, Owner of Creekstone Homes, has been building quality custom homes since 1971.

Craig started his building career as a small boy helping his father in the family business. His love of construction was born in upstate New York, but then blossomed in Texas, Florida, North Carolina, Colorado, and now in Idaho.

He is truly a trend setter in offering his clients custom designs detailed for their needs and desires, while at the same time, giving them more sizzle for their buck. wrote Professional Builder Magazine in a feature article on Mr. Wieser in 1998.

Craig has built well over 300 custom homes in his career, including homes for professional race car drivers, football players, physicians and retirees, but no matter what career paths his clients are in, they are all treated with respect, honesty and the 3 Cs he believes are essential to a successful building experience Creativity, Commitment, and Communication.

Mr. Wieser truly loves his vocation with the creativity it allows him to express and the happiness it brings to his clients when they receive the keys to their new custom home.